Superior Panjab University, Chandigarh


CHANDIGARH - The competence and scholar of Panjab University, where Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was mutually a student and a tutor, Monday sleet the budgetary endowment of Rs.50 cr to the cash-starved foundation.

Many said they were appreciative to Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee as well as Manmohan Singh for impending to the assist of one of India’s oldest academia, set up initially in Lahore.
The university is subsidized by the essential and Punjab governments in a 60:40 percentage. It has over 10,000 scholar, 70 percentage of them women.
Manmohan Singh accomplishes his bachelor’s and master’s degree in finances from the university in 1952 and 1954 correspondingly earlier than leaving overseas for higher education.

According to Ronki Ram, presently there is a monetary discrepancy of Rs.168 cr. The endowment “would definitely help develop the circumstances to some scope”.

Sanjiv Tewari, the university’s administrator of public associations, said: “The complete academia summons this verdict. We have got the gratitude that we justify.

Dr.Manmohon Singh Trip to University

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